App stores are now much crowded places. Take the examples of the official app stores of iOS and Android which together host more than 3 million apps. Mobile app developers often fear of getting lost in such largest oceans.
Mobile users are somewhat discerning about which apps they want to keep in their device and which ones they should discard. Though things like load-time, engaging user interface and fast response time influence them. So if an app has these features plus, if it lets users have the sense of security, it can stay in their device for a long time. Only 20 percent of apps have these feature as only these ones are used more than once after being downloaded. Users delete rest of apps for better ones.
It’s not possible to succeed in such crowded market without improving the performance of app. Mobile app developers know this truth very well. They are working hard to improve apps for their speed, scalability and power.
Getting good performance is hard
Waiting for a webpage to open up in several seconds kills users. It frustrates them. 47 percent of users will close pages that take more than two seconds in loading. The same trend seems to be applied on mobile apps too. Almost half of users expect from mobile apps to get loaded in two seconds of less. It’s a big challenge for mobile app developers to make an app that responds such fast. They constantly live in a conflict in which apps need more data to work which results them loading slower vs. users wishing to get apps faster with using minimum data required.
- Work out the app to use data as less as possible
Mobile app developers need to work on minimizing the data that apps use while loading. The more an app requires data, the slower it will load.
- Older approach haven turned irrelevant yet
Often time we need to look a little back to solve these types of issues. Remember how web page developers suffered for several years with load times. They experienced more issues when web developments began to become more complex and require larger data. Then they discovered creating static landing pages that live in the history memory of a device. With this feature, a webpage requires slightest data whenever it is loaded next time. It only requires updates on top of that. The implementation dramatically increased the load speed of web pages.
Mobile app developer can also apply the same concept on apps. Take the example of a gaming app. With this concept applied, the app will require loading the latest moves, not the entire interface which results in less consumption of data.
Increasing usages – as a blessing and a curse
Many app developers tend to think that once their app gets the traction with users, they can breathe a sigh of relief. They think their work is done; however, here their works actually starts.
- Prepare the app to handle sudden traffic
Let me mention StubHub’s app incident happened last year. On the opening day of major league baseball season, the app crashed due to heavy traffic. The mobile app developers behind that saw how their app failed because of a huge demand. In last, there were frustrated fans and of course, the app also lost big sales to competitors. That shows lack of planning. Developers did not make their app ready to handle higher-than-expected traffic.
- Take care of performance level
Developers need to continuously take care of performance level as requirement of major changes appear after the release of the app. The app should already be scaled to handle large volume of traffic. It applies particularly on those apps which are selling services/products online.
Limitations in the power of mobile devices.
Mobile app developers need to customize their apps to handle the physical challenges of device, such as battery. Take the example of U.S. adults who spend nearly three hours per day on their mobile devices. Users will not keep an app that consumes a lot of battery. Sometimes, they realize that an app isn’t poor in terms of UI & experience but it’s also too poor in efficiently using battery of the device. In last, they just want to delete such apps even if they like some of its features.
- Enhance resource efficiency
Apps should score highest points when it comes to measuring their resource efficiency. It begins with looking at how much data an app needs to run. One good solution is to minimize redundant downloads. For this purpose, developers will require to implement a subscription model at client side to display changes whenever updated by publisher.
- Reduce the content size
Second thing that mobile app developers can do is reduce the content size. This will help them in optimizing performance and user experience. A good example of it is that they reduce the size of image so that less data will be consumed at the devices of users when the server will send images to the app. Indeed, it will also save battery life too.
Source Link :: http://www.whatech.com/mobile-apps/blog/68760-3-supreme-challenges-in-every-mobile-app-development
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